29 results for "Field test"


    • Lyudmila Zaitseva

      BRIDGE Project Field Test, St. Gilgen, Austria, 9 September 2014 (English subtitles)

      This video shows a field test conducted as part of the BRIDGE Alpine ValEDation Days, the first in the...lunteers acted as victims in this hypothetical scenario that had been pre-tested in August 2014. For more in...
      Tags: Video, BRIDGE project, UAVs, Situational awareness, Expert System, Decisions support systems, Mobile ad-hoc networks, Field test
      • Carlos Julio Trindade

        FLAMEWORK 2020

        ...out various fire-related areas and test their capabilities outside of...edge and techniques are put to the test. The Mafra 2020 Operational T...nar. 3rd day - May 5th - Tuesday: Field session - planning, organize...t; 4th day - May 6th - Wednesday: Field session - Implementation of...


        • C-BORD arttic

          C-BORD Final Public Workshop

          ...ve radiation detection have been developed and tested, as well as prototypes for n...and a half years of research, development and testing by the C-BORD Consortium o...and second line inspection devices developed Field test findings from Customs p...
          • Elisabeth Graf

            RISK-HUNT3R online Kick-off meeting

            ...particularly important for the breakout sessions), attendees need the latest version of ZOOM; - PLEASE DOWN.... When opening the registration form, please make sure to complete all fields: Full name E-mail Orga...



            • Lyudmila Zaitseva

              BRIDGE Project Field Test, St. Gilgen, Austria, 9 September 2014 (English subtitles)

              This video shows a field test conducted as part of the BRIDGE Alpine ValEDation Days, the first in the series of three Validation, Exploitation and Dissemination events organised in autumn 2014. These events are intended to demonstrate solutions for large-scale crisis management and bring them cl...
              Tags: Video, BRIDGE project, UAVs, Situational awareness, Expert System, Decisions support systems, Mobile ad-hoc networks, Field test