2 results for "State-of-the-art of Situational Awareness systems"


    • RBE

      Gap Analysis (EC reference D2.4)

      This deliverable brings together the results of the deliverable "P...practitioners’ requirements" (EC reference D2.2) and "State-of-...analysis" (EC reference D2.1) to look into gaps between the State-o...
      Tags: gap analysis, Practitioners requirements, State-of-the-art of Situational Awareness systems
      • RBE

        State of the Art Analysis (EC reference D2.1)

        ...agement (CM) is comprehensive Situational Awareness (SA) among all stakeholders involved...e future EU Multi-Stakeholder Situational Awareness System (MSSAS), based on dedica...s and survey-based data on SA systems used by EU crisis managers. The state-of-the-art research revealed a mu...
        Tags: State of the art, SOTA, Situational awareness, Situational Awareness systems, State-of-the-art of Situational Awareness systems