69 results for "Technology Transfer and Stakeholder Exchange platform"


    • Amrita Choudhary

      Quick start guide for the SUN-to-LIQUID TTSEP

      The Community Management Tool (CMT) is a platform developed by ARTTIC to facilitate communication and information exchange between the members of SUN-to-LIQUID Technology Transfer and Stakeholder Exchange (TTSEP) platform. This guide walks you through...
      Tags: Community Management Tool, Technology Transfer and Stakeholder Exchange platform, SUN-to-LIQUID



      • Amrita Choudhary

        Quick start guide for the SUN-to-LIQUID TTSEP

        The Community Management Tool (CMT) is a platform developed by ARTTIC to facilitate communication and information exchange between the members of SUN-to-LIQUID Technology Transfer and Stakeholder Exchange (TTSEP) platform. This guide walks you through the steps to access the CMT and to use its ke...
        Tags: Community Management Tool, Technology Transfer and Stakeholder Exchange platform, SUN-to-LIQUID